Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Online Learning

Recently I was able to take a look around the web based courses on the Manitoba Education site and I was pleased with what I found. I took a look at the grade 11 history course and I thought that it was a much better resource than the actual curriculum.

First of all I really like how the course was laid out on the site. It was easy to navigate through all of the different topics in the course with the links on the side. I like this because I am able to jump around from topic to topic so easy which makes it much more efficient when looking up different areas within the course.

As for the content I was pleasantly surprised with the amount of information put forth on the course. It was nice to see some content about the subject and all of the outcomes listed clearly. In the online curriculum guide for the grade 11 history course there is only a few essential questions that should be covered within the course. On the web course it looks at different topics within the curriculum and outlines very clearly the expectations. In my last placement I actually taught a block of grade 11 history and I now wish that I had this resource available to me at the time. With the web course there are a number of topics for discussion and different assignment ideas to use in the class. When I taught the course I had to rely on all of my own research and planning where as this web course would have been so much more helpful to have at the time. I don't think that I would use this as an online course but I would definitely take content from the web course to use in my classroom.

Great Resource!

Until we meet again...Cheers!


  1. I also found that the webct was a great resource. I used it to teach grade 11 applied and I found that most examples were user friendly enough for students to work through on their own. I also like how these resources can help aid new teachers that do not have a lot of resources built up before they start teaching.

  2. I like the WBCs, they have some really good info. There were times during my placements where I needed to find some extra resources, my CT directed me to them. I have to teacher a course that I have no experience with I will use WBCs
